Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
For a city that seems to be the poster child for poor planning and execution during hard economic times, Detroit's school district is truly in dire straits. With abysmal graduation rates, an operating budget deeply in debt, and incessant infighting, not to mention allegations of fraud and corruption, the district seems due for a makeover.

The district recently has considered filing for bankruptcy, and will start the year with a budget defict topping $250 million. District-wide grad rates are about 58%, and only about a fourth of student who start high school in the district will graduate in four years. How is Detroit addressing their academic problems?
  • brought in an outside advisor
  • fired "many principals"
  • privatized operations of almost all district high schools
It's no surprise, then, that relations between the CFO and the board are strained; all of these actions are the types of things that create an adversarial relationship between school leadership and staff, and between a school district and the community.

Wait, CFO?

Yes, Detroit's district head has apparently been their financial officer, rather than a superintendent, after the super was fired in February. The previous CFO was fired in December. No surprise that those relationships were tumultuous as well, the hiring and firing mired in threats of lawsuit, claims of retaliatory practices by the board. The current CFO (titled "emergency financial manager") is fighting to take control over the suffering academic programs as well as district finances, which has led to further power plays by the board.

So what's the point in rehashing DPS' skiing trip on a shaky slope? Every school district could be here. Detroit's sinking economy and long struggle with urban flight started their problems, but the political battle escalated it beyond repair, and the fight to retain power, in the face of rational action, will always sink a functioning system.


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